Running improves back pain & spine health

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. For more information...

Proximal ITBS: Symptoms & Solutions

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. For more information...

Menopause Transition in Athletes: Effects and Treatment Options

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. For more information...

Key considerations for bone health in runners

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. For more information...

The ups & downs of hill running

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. The trails near my...

Do hip & core exercises preventing running injury?

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. Back in 2013 I...

Running-physio recommends: ASK Physio

Looking for a physio in Stevenage or North Herts' to help you with your running injury? We recommend ASK Physio. Sarah and the team...

Step rate changes for runners: benefits and pitfalls

️Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. A quick announcement before...

What’s the most efficient way to run?

Our articles are not designed to replace medical advice. If you have an injury we recommend seeing a qualified health professional. As a runner who...

Join us at the Mountain Land Running Summit!

I'm very excited to announce that I will be presenting at the Mountain Land Running Summit this September alongside 3 fantastic speakers: The agenda is...